Saturday, April 26


"Taking the truth of God's word and making sense of surrounding circumstances"- Jamesvinay

2 kinds:

Holy Spirit synthesis- does not compromise God's standard. sense of assurance. Comprises of wisdom where wisdom is the action following synthesis. Fruit= fruitfulness:D

Human synthesis- Undermine God's standard of holiness. One party loses out. Usually but not always hasty. Fruit= unfruitful or short term fruitfulness.

Holy Spirit Synthesis > Human synthesis

Holy Spirit synthesis occurs if and only if there is the prerequisite of God words, listening prayer and time:

Word + Prayer + Time = Holy Spirit synthesis


Holy Spirit synthesis / Word(X), and Holy Spirit synthesis / Prayer(Y) and Holy Spirit synthesis / Time (Z) which means,

X.Word + Y.Prayer + Z.Time = Holy Spirit synthesis
where x,y,z are units of measurement from one to infinity,

cause you might never understand but you have been faithful:D


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