Friday, January 26

The Generation that Seeks His Face

Psalms 24:6
" This is Jacob,
the generation of those who seek Him,
who seek Your face. Selah"

Nothing seems to bother them anymore. All they want is God. All they cry for is God. They stay in their rooms and spend hours inquiring, worshiping, praising and searching desperately for their God of truth. What a contrast from this distracted generation.

Pool halls empty, arcade lefts to gather dust, only the lights of the street lamps remain in the once highly packed streets of Orchard.

The hunger burning in their eyes for more of God. The unquenchable passion in their hearts. In every home, every street corner, every train and every bus you see them. "Oh man!" Someone shouts. "CAN THEY PLEASE STOP!" It's as if they have a conscious realisation that besides the Kingdom of God nothing else matters. AWESOME GENERATION!

Wait a minute... It's not only the young and affluent... It's an epidemic, a phenomenon that is capturing even the old and poeple from every race. This is the generation that seeks Him, who seeks His face!

Thursday, January 4

The Precious Word : Psalms 19:7-11

7 The instructions of the Lord are perfect,
reviving the soul.
The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
8 The commandments of the Lord are right,
bringing joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are clear,
giving insight for living.
9 Reverence for the Lord is pure,
lasting forever.
The laws of the Lord are true;
each one is fair.
10 They are more desirable than gold,
even the finest gold.
They are sweeter than honey,
even honey dripping from the comb.
11 They are a warning to your servant,
a great reward for those who obey them.