Tuesday, October 17

Terror Of Judgement

I was very grieved last tues night. For the first time in too many years have I been so sad over an extended period of time.

I read the book of Amos and Holy Spirit really gripped my heart. I began to imagine Judgement Day. The phase before the heavenly kingdom. I was terrified. There was no laughter, no words spoken. Everyone, mass crowds of people all shared the same look. The look that said, "I have no more time". The look that said, "this can't be happening". At one side were people clothed in white robs and on the other, people in filthy rags. Before God lay all this people and satan pointing a finger to each one of them and shouting "Guilty!Guilty!Guilty!!" Jesus looks on. Not really. He hides His face with His 2 hands and sobs bitterly for every soul that was going on down to the eternal pit. He looked on to His saints. Not mentioning a word, His saints begin to weep and lament. They could have done more. They should have prayed more. No more time. It's all over for the millions and millions of souls getting pushed over the cliff into hell.

It didn't end. The agony continued. One verse caught me so badly I was almost crying. ".. screams as a woman in her birthpangs for the first time" Imagine thousands and thousands of screams just terrifying the court. I really couldn't take it. I had to cry. I needed to get this souls saved somehow while I still have the time. I want to go to the court of judgment clothing billions of people in righteous robes. I don't want to see my Jesus cry. I want satan's face to be filled with terror as only him and his minions go to the eternal pit!

The Pain Of Jesus

I saw a vision on sunday.

In front of me were rows and rows of heart nicely laid out.
There was a man there who picked up a heart in His hand, streched it towards me and said, " I believe this is yours"
As if I was in the conversation, I replied, "Yes, it is. But I don't want it"
He looked confused then he asked me, "which heart would you like then?"
I searched the area and at a corner of that place I saw a heart which was labelled Jesus' heart. The top right of it was burned, it had fresh scars all over it. But it was still beating.
I told the man, "I want that heart"
He replied, "Are you sure? It hurts a lot"
and as if it was natural of me I said, "I need to know God's pain"

Wednesday, October 11

Cheer Up!!


Here's more jokes to cheer you up:

What do you say when Bruce Lee Falls Down?


Where is the one place in Singapore where you can convert all your money into Christian currency?

CAsh-converters$$!!(special rate for hell money too. hehehe)

All jokes are not originated by me.. It was L**I* and D*m**ic..

Sunday, October 8

How do I measure up against God's Word?

This week has really been awesome. Running with Jerrel P and Stanley, going to M'sia with mom and dad and having an impactful saturday service. The words above pretty much conclude this week's journey. Early in the morning today, the guys gathered to pray. Nearing the end of it I received a "tug" and I saw this words, "Measure your life according to God's Word". I let it out by faith and prayed over the Word. When the session ended we began to talk and one brother began to confirm the word given. Truthfully, many echoed similar things in their prayers earlier. Soon after, I began to realise that the word began to apply very much to me. God had just began something new.

Every area and every aspect of our 24 hour day to day lives will be brought before God and He will judge. More importantly, our heart atttitude to every single issue in our lives. Common things like praying, evangelism, praise and worship, reading His word, honoring the temple of God, our relationship with each and every family member or even our relationship with our brothers and sisters in Christ and our ambition, career, studies and our life in the army.

How has it been truthfully? is my prayer and my qt done in hunger and desperation or has it been just routine? Do we fear and honor man more than God in our actions? Is my singing and dancing to the ONE awesome God really only for Him or have we lowered ourselves to worship Powerful, Creator God in a not so awe-some manner in our hearts? Am I flirtatious, unaffectionate or even plain selfish towards my brothers and sisters in Christ? Am I taking good care of my body or just blatantly loading it with unhealthy food or even biting my fingernails when I know I shouldn't? Only as the Holy Spirit reveals will our hearts be cut to the heart. Then tears will really begin to flow.

These are not the sins we usually preach about.However they truthfully show our heart attitude towards God and help us to answer whether our lives really fulfill the 1st commandment and even the words of this song-"every breath that I take; every moment I'm awake, Lord have Your way in me". Jesus was whipped 39 times for our sins. So much so that it began to expose His organs. Repentance has to go as deep as that. Beyond the flesh and right to the inner core!

Bro Daryl talked about Charles Finney who cried 4 to 5 hours over His own sin in repentance before his preaching. My mouth fell wide open! how and why did he do that? I am reading his book on "How to experience Revival" and I realized that he named every single sin one by one, towards God and man. He knew the impact of one sin and how it caused the King to die. He really wanted revival! Break up your fallow grounds. Now I really know what it means. RGENers are hungry for revival too. I believe that God is beginning to do a new work. At least for this week, the Spirit of God will hover every leader's heart and convict and convict and convict until there breakthrough comes. This may be the beginning of something awesome. God willing..

Sunday, October 1

Umbrella of my love for God

WAs just really pondering about how much God loves us... it's really a blessing to do so.. really stop and think.. it's pretty personal and Holy Spirit reveals much. I was actually slightly down after i started to clear off and leave for ORD. Guess why? Well, it's pretty much because i now had "new found strength" which i didn' t know where to put! Can i just say this: God really loves us a lot!! I'm amazed.. God knows what situation i am in. hahaha.. Today God told me that Jesus gave more than His life. He gave us His personality, ambition, character and yet so much more of Himself to make sure we get saved and that there would be a way for ALL of us to become like Him one day.

Then He asked me, "do you now know what it means to take up your cross?" well.. i understood it long ago but it was different today. He asked me to love Him with that new found strength! He told me not to run after certain things which in His own time HE will give me once my love for God becomes an "umbrella big enough" to shelter whatever I want. Why? because chances are I'll get lost and lose God if i begin to gain more. It's God's divine mathematics. You must obey God's 1st Commandment, "to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.", in order to receive what you desire assumming it already God's will.

For example, good grades. Sometimes you get it free of charge but if God wants to teach you an eternal lesson, what happens is that you must commit your studies to Him, your future and your grades knowing that He is in control. Once your worry is gone and you have genuinely learnt your lesson that God has taken care of your future, you will love Him even if your results are bad! You have no need to worry about your results but God loves to bless so undoubtledly He'll bless your persevernce and fervent love for Him ie good grades.

YUp.. I can't have a single part of the world without it belonging to God. I seriously wanted more. More ministry, more competitions , more academia work to callenge and hype up my own flesh. but i'll really lose sight of God's 1st commandment which is important to me. I need to build an umbrella of love for God so big until all these can be poured into my life in its time and yet i'll not be consumed by any of it but "when my world falls down, I'll be found in Him".

He will give. He gave His life He'll give what we need and want(according to His implanted godly desires)

I guess one verse sums it up: John 15:7 "if you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask what you desire and it shall be done for you."[nkjv]