Wednesday, August 30


Yeah!! it's simply amazing!! PRaise God for a good brother and friend like Glenn. HAhah.. his wit has finally ended up for my good. He kept bugging me to plan my offs and leave claiming that i have enough to clear soon. I kept pushing it off bcos i had like 22 days of off and 8 days of leave. Until we finally set down and decided to plan the leave forecast. Including 3 more coming offs, i can officially clear tml! Wow!

Sunday, August 27

AHM 2006

Woke up at 3am on sunday morning. Got dressed, brushed teeth, ate breakfast and got ready for a race that the engineer's team been training for roughly a month. This was it. After one month plus of being attached out, it was pretty much time to show what i've been training for. Cut the long story short, I got a preety decent time of 1hr 34mins. Thank God for His grace.

Thanks to all those who prayed for me. I really really do appreciate it. There's a reason why i message a big number of christians to pray for me before every major race. There was a period of time when i couldn't run anymore due to migrane. Thought all was pretty much gone. But due to a powerful turn of events, God healed me and I began to run again. From that day, the first time i messaged my lifegroup !ouch, I feared God's hand although i did recognise His grace and mercy and what better way to remove that wicked pride than to subject myself to the prayers of my good church friends. Everytime i message someone to pray for me during a race, i remind myself of my own weakness and that my legs would only be LEGS OF FIRE only for His Glory. So thanks once again for all those who prayed. God bless you and keep you!

THe service was awesome. Seeing the BB/GB children can really make a good day even better. Yeah. met some of the old little friends like Thompson and Kun Yew. I hope to join them soon. pretty soon actually even as i reach my civilian conversion course! hahaah!! ORD ORD ORD!

Thursday, August 24

Buying new house


gonna shift house soon.. almost sealed a deal already. i think we'll be shifting in 2 to 3 months time.. It'll be good to leave this place although i miss the easterners and the free rides. the place is at st.michael's. it is near pastor ben's place.. hehe.. free rides? see how.

Besides that, the week been relaxed. All throughout the week i seem to only understand that i could do more for God and hunger more desperately for God. Got a chance to evangelise today. pretty cool.. no salvations because the time was too short. Ah well, God is still doing a mighty work in us.

Compassion, just a note on it. how to get it? it's tough. really. especially as a person who lacked much of the communication to the outside world thru the 16 years of chase of selfish ambition. the tech too has made it tougher. it draws you close but it makes you apart. hope you understand what i'm saying. God said, " look at My wounds, My work and My gift. REalise its gravity and mould your life in it." It's worth a shot.

Monday, August 21

GOt new bible


i got new bible!! it's a study bible. Thompson Chain-reference bible. i didn't buy it! haha. one of my good friend and brother gave it to me for free. As i spend time with God in the evening in my room, i almost teared as God reminded me of His goodness and love. He said, "Because you love me and honor me, I honor you. " God has been faithful. If i'm ever down again i'll just need to remember that God gave me one of His most precious tangible gift as a sign of His love! Cool. For the brother in Christ, he surely has His reward in heaven!!

Sermon on saturday and sunday was good. our dear sis Cheryl preached and praise God for the anointing over her life. Timely call for Rgen to buck up on evangelism!

Wasn't feeling good on sunday. But the Word of God on tests of life by Rev George Ong was a much needed revelation of what God was doing in my life and apparently in the lives of many of the youths. Praise God He honored the services!

Goliath Joke:

Goliath is BIG

Goliath is STRONG


But..... why is he worth only 2 birds?



keep thinking

i think you got the answer..haha

Because david struck him down with one stone and one stone kills 2 birds!! hahahahahahahahahahah

P.S. richard gere bought to many birds back then so they decided to use the stones to kill Goliaths instead of birds. hehhe

Monday, August 14

HEllo!! here are some originals from the chambers of Rai...

WHich bank only opens in may?

(ok..if you think that was easy.. watch this:)

Posb and and Dbs were driving down to M'sia one day along the North South Highway;

Posb shouted, "Dbs watch out! Don't get too close to Maybank"
Dbs, scratched his head and asked why.

Posb replied, "don't you get it? If you get too close to it, it 'may-bang' you!"

Friday, August 4

Please God? Don't even try!!

HEllo!! long time no write.. but here's something that i think is utterly important and will perk up most of you guys. Still reading the book on Good Morning Holy Spirit! It is one amazing book that has really made Holy Spirit my friend.

Who to serve? how to serve? what to do? how much must i pray? how many times must i study the bible? If your hearts desire is to really please God, and you try by your own will, you can't do it! yeah.. "... love of God is shared abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost..."

All it requires is yieldedness and obediance. To the Spirit of God. Your brother, friend and LOrd! No need to rush to church to be the fastest or the best. No need to force yourself down to pray long hours. No need to rush through the Word and numerous bible studies. God will will you and enable you to do it if you are willing to cooperate and yield. "for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose" -phil 2:13