Friday, October 10

False Doctrine is equivalent to Piracy

Definition of Piracy- the unauthorized copying, distribution, or use of another's production (as a film) esp. in infringement of a copyright piracy> b : the unauthorized use, interception, or receipt of encoded communications (as satellite cable programming) esp. to avoid paying fees for use piracy of programming signals

False doctrine including the spread of the false gospel is the cheapening of the gospel of God. It is the undermining of the value of the death of Christ and His act on the Cross. It adds a corrupted image to the grace of God that has been given freely to all men. (Eph 2)

In context of 2 Peter 2, taking the first verse [AMP];
BUT ALSO [in those days] there arose false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among yourselves, who will subtly and stealthily introduce heretical doctrines (destructive heresies), even denying and disowning the Master Who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.

I found that there are similarities between piracy and false doctrine. False doctrines have infringed the copyright of Christ and made it into a version that has become of less value. The reason why Christ came to die has been watered down, sometimes exaggerated. Additionally, the method with which Christ came, ministered and died has been altered to made acceptable as a doctrine to some groups of people. The TRUTH is changed.

God designed the coming of Christ, the death of Christ and the promise that came along with it. People have began to take what is God's and made it their own. They have made themselves the centre of the subject when it was not supposed to be. Centre is ONLY God- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Not man's nature nor man's thoughts, nor anyone of his cleverly crafted idealogies.


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