Friday, October 10

False Doctrine is equivalent to Piracy

Definition of Piracy- the unauthorized copying, distribution, or use of another's production (as a film) esp. in infringement of a copyright piracy> b : the unauthorized use, interception, or receipt of encoded communications (as satellite cable programming) esp. to avoid paying fees for use piracy of programming signals

False doctrine including the spread of the false gospel is the cheapening of the gospel of God. It is the undermining of the value of the death of Christ and His act on the Cross. It adds a corrupted image to the grace of God that has been given freely to all men. (Eph 2)

In context of 2 Peter 2, taking the first verse [AMP];
BUT ALSO [in those days] there arose false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among yourselves, who will subtly and stealthily introduce heretical doctrines (destructive heresies), even denying and disowning the Master Who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.

I found that there are similarities between piracy and false doctrine. False doctrines have infringed the copyright of Christ and made it into a version that has become of less value. The reason why Christ came to die has been watered down, sometimes exaggerated. Additionally, the method with which Christ came, ministered and died has been altered to made acceptable as a doctrine to some groups of people. The TRUTH is changed.

God designed the coming of Christ, the death of Christ and the promise that came along with it. People have began to take what is God's and made it their own. They have made themselves the centre of the subject when it was not supposed to be. Centre is ONLY God- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Not man's nature nor man's thoughts, nor anyone of his cleverly crafted idealogies.

Friday, August 15

The name of God in vain

I realise that one of the reasons why God doesn't like people to call His name in vain is because others may misunderstand and misintrepet who God really is.

It is the same as gossiping. Gossiping about a person will give the hearer an impression of the person that might not be totally accurate.

In the same way, God appears sometimes too scary, too slack, too insecure when we 'gossip' about Him

However, we still need to use the name of God. To answer our prayers and to discover more of His character. I believe only those who personally know God can do such a thing. Furthermore, the name of God does not become vain because it is said in full confidence of the trust that is in His name and character.

Wednesday, August 13

Defining Love

Love is a summation of logical calculation of the cost in time, effort and attitude in relation to another inanimate or animate object.

With this defination, {Love at first sight} is rendered as a null set.

We can also safely say that love does not have a one-off equation. It is a continuos function.

As to whether this function has a Limit; we can probably derive a Lemma from the Gospel of John where it says, " There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for his friend"

With this Lemma, we conjure a hypothesis;

As life => infinity, the love function of a person tends towards L which is the greatest love.


Instead of L being a limit, it would be more proper to say that the love function is bounded upwards to M, where M is the greatest love.

"for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son... I am going so that I can ask the Father to send the Counsellor to you... it is for your benefit that I go...there is no greater love than this... that they also may be one in suffers long... love never fails... God is love... and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes... Surely I am coming quickly"

Monday, May 26

Faith and Strength

Faith- Trust in a FACT that has been proved infallible and uncontestable

Christian Walk + JOY= Strength => Victory

Christian Walk - JOY= NO Strength => Defeat - inspired by Aunty Doris


in more mathematical terms using sets;

{Christian Walk} intersect {JOY} is a proper subset of {Strength} is a success and

{Christian Walk} intersect {JOY}' is a subset of {Strength}' is a failure

Where {JOY}'= 1 - {JOY}. {Strength}' likewise.

This is because {JOY} = {Strength} by the verse "The Joy of the Lord is my strength" (Neh 8:10b NIV)

May you always be victorius such that {JOY}'= empty set


Sunday, May 11

Australia Trip


I'll be leaving for aust in less than 24 hours.


Departure: 120508/1810

Arrival: 230508/0350

Will be back in one piece:D

Saturday, April 26


"Taking the truth of God's word and making sense of surrounding circumstances"- Jamesvinay

2 kinds:

Holy Spirit synthesis- does not compromise God's standard. sense of assurance. Comprises of wisdom where wisdom is the action following synthesis. Fruit= fruitfulness:D

Human synthesis- Undermine God's standard of holiness. One party loses out. Usually but not always hasty. Fruit= unfruitful or short term fruitfulness.

Holy Spirit Synthesis > Human synthesis

Holy Spirit synthesis occurs if and only if there is the prerequisite of God words, listening prayer and time:

Word + Prayer + Time = Holy Spirit synthesis


Holy Spirit synthesis / Word(X), and Holy Spirit synthesis / Prayer(Y) and Holy Spirit synthesis / Time (Z) which means,

X.Word + Y.Prayer + Z.Time = Holy Spirit synthesis
where x,y,z are units of measurement from one to infinity,

cause you might never understand but you have been faithful:D

Wednesday, April 23

Pressure and Performance

Tired.. Exams.. Doesn't make sense for me to halt everything just for the sake of exams.

Too many kids, going under Pressure to perform for the subject area.

Can we go over Pressure?

Can we go through exams without losing hair, growing more pimples, talking less to people and serving God less?

"subjective" listening to God's voice can come due to pressure. I believe (for now) accuracy to God's voice is compromised in such cases.

I seek to know what it really means to "Be still and know that I am God" Ps 46:10a